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Bülent Okan at İzmir International Music Village!


🎶Workshop: “Advanced Techniques on the Oud”
Participants who attend this workshop will be able to work with the artist on some techniques that they have reached an intermediate or advanced level on the oud and that they cannot apply or have difficulty applying. Even if they cannot do it at the moment, they will have an idea about what and how they should work. They will also have the chance to perform one or more given pieces together.
Who is Bülent Okan?
The German-born artist works as an oud and vocal artist at the İzmir State Classical Turkish Music Choir. After graduating from the Ege University State Turkish Music Conservatory, he completed his master's degree at the Istanbul Technical University Institute of Social Sciences and his doctorate at the Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Social Sciences, becoming a doctor of music. He has taken part in many special projects in his artistic life and has had successful performances at home and abroad.

Bülent Okan at İzmir International Music Village!
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