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Dilara Elagözlü at Izmir International Music Village!


🎶Workshop: “Structured Flute Workshop for All Levels”
In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to work on flute techniques that they may be struggling with or unable to apply, together with the artist. Even if they cannot perform the technique at that moment, they will gain insight into what and how they need to practice. Additionally, they will have the chance to perform one or more pieces together.
Who is Dilara Elagözlü?
Dilara Elagozlu was born in Istanbul and began her musical career at the age of 6. She was a gifted child artist at the Istanbul State Opera and Ballet. She studied with Nazım Acar, the principal flutist of the Istanbul Symphony Orchestra at the State Conservatory of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. She then worked as a chorister in children's youth choirs until she graduated from the choral singing department of the Istanbul University State Conservatory. She served as a flutist at the Istanbul State Opera and Ballet
under the title of master instructor and she trained many students while she worked at various institutions, fine arts high schools, conservatories, the Sabancı University, and the Koç University. She continued her professional music career by perfroming with various orchestras, recitals, and chamber music groups. She has been performing concerts and participating in festivals as the flutist and vocalist of the Group Dost Yürek Music Group. Dost Yurek Music group has recorded and released three critically acclaimed albums and multiple singles. She has been performing as a flutist with the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality Symphony Orchestra and looks forward to continuing her destiny in music and sharing that joy with others.

Dilara Elagözlü at Izmir International Music Village!
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