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Doç. Dr. İlter Denizoğlu at İzmir International Music Village!

Seminar & Workshop

🎤🎶Seminar & Workshop: “Introduction to Pedagogical Vocology & DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique”
The human voice is one of the most difficult instruments to play and understand. It requires the integration of knowledge from anatomy, physics, mathematics, and music. This seminar aims to explain the human voice from different perspectives and present strategies for using the voice as an instrument. An introductory overview of the DoctorVox Voice Therapy system will be provided, including a sample application.
Who is İlter Denizoglu?
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Laryngologist& phoniatrician

Director & Founder of Vocology Centre, Izmir, Turkey.
University Lecturer of Pedagogical Vocology in: Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory, Department of Performing Arts, Main Art Division of Opera
University lecturer of clinical vocology in: Tinaztepe University Faculty of Health Sciences, Speech Language Pathology Department

His medical practice is mainly on phonosurgery, voice therapy and singing voice therapy. He is a university lecturer of clinical and pedagogical vocology. His book ‘Textbook of Clinical Vocology’ (in Turkish) has been published in 2020.
He has designed various devices for voice therapy and vocal training, and surgical instruments and methods for phonosurgery as well. Sihvo’s LaxVox exercise was modified and expanded by Denizoglu into DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique. New therapy and training devices (doctorVOX apparatus, pocketVOX, maskVOX, aioVOX, etc.) were devised for DoctorVox Therapy applications by him as well.

Doç. Dr. İlter Denizoğlu at İzmir International Music Village!
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