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Dokuz Eylul University Buca Faculty of Education Izmir Mandolin Orchestra is at the Izmir International Music Village!


Maestro: Prof. Dr. Mümtaz Hakan Sakar
Founding Artistic Advisor: Hüseyin Genç
In 2011, under the leadership of Hüseyin GENÇ, a tenor and soloist at the İzmir State Opera and Ballet, a mandolin orchestra was established under the umbrella of the Foundation for Turkish State Theatres, Opera, and Ballet Employees (TOBAV). The aim was to revive the instrument that many of its players had learned during their childhood. The founding members of the orchestra were retired music educators, many of whom graduated from Village Institutes and Teacher Training Schools. Some of them even served as heads of the Music Education Department at Dokuz Eylül University (DEU). Over time, the orchestra grew to nearly thirty members, including retired music teachers and individuals from various professional backgrounds who had played the mandolin in their youth. Rehearsing at TOBAV's hall in Büyük Kardıçalı Han, İzmir, the TOBAV Mandolin Orchestra continued its activities and concerts uninterrupted until the pandemic in 2020. However, a fire that broke out at Büyük Kardıçalı Han during the pandemic forced the orchestra to stop its rehearsals.
In 2021, the same core group, again under the leadership of Hüseyin GENÇ, sought to revive the orchestra and approached the Music Education Department at Dokuz Eylül University Buca Faculty of Education. Under the baton of Prof. Dr. Mümtaz Hakan SAKAR, head of the department, they resumed their rehearsals, which continue today at the DEU BEF Music Education Department building.
The orchestra was renamed the “DOKUZ EYLÜL UNIVERSITY BUCA FACULTY OF EDUCATION IZMIR MANDOLIN ORCHESTRA” and, despite its recent reestablishment, has already performed numerous concerts. Most notably, the orchestra, under the leadership of Dokuz Eylül University, organized Turkey’s first Mandolin Festival, attracting various mandolin orchestras and ensembles featuring mandolins from across the country.
1. Mandolin Mandola
Zübeyde Kırlı (Konsertmaister) Kamuran Oktay(Şef Yardımcısı)
Oğuz Takmak Fahri Öğünç
Özden Zaloğlu Deniz Mehmet Çelebi
Tacinur Acar __
Müzeyyen Tunç Mandoçello
Nilgün Uygun Necati Şahin
Nevin Olgun __
Gülsen Gürer Gitar
Seniye Ertin Mehmet Ali Altunel
Rahmi Uygun Atabey Aykar
Hanife Coşkun __
__ Kontrabass
2. Mandolin Kaan Kahraman
Semahat Oşafoğlu __
Nuray Özevin Akordeon
Mühibbe Aksoyer Azra Kuyu
Müjgan Can
Özlem Özdemir
Ayşe Gülşen
Sonnur Ayşen Güney
Zahide Öney
Cihangir Zaloğlu
Gülşen Ülkü

Dokuz Eylul University Buca Faculty of Education Izmir Mandolin Orchestra is at the Izmir International Music Village!
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