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Turgay Gündoğdu at İzmir International Music Village!


🎶Workshop: “Structured Baglama Workshop for All Levels”
In this program, organized according to the levels of applicants, repertoire selection will be made for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. The required skills from the candidates will be coordinated through communication via the WhatsApp application before the music village project starts. A fundamental requirement for all levels of candidates will be familiarity with music notation. Candidates who feel deficient in their notation skills will also be provided with notation information to aid their development.
• For a beginner candidate, basic information and repertoire program covering the fundamentals such as instrument handling, posture, and notation will be addressed.
• For an intermediate candidate, one of the basic requirements will be to improve notation knowledge, and pieces that align with baglama techniques (e.g., aşık style) will be selected to enhance development within a week.
• For an advanced candidate, the goal will be to increase development with examples that enhance musicality, such as acelite, transcription skills, baglama techniques (e.g., zeybek, etc.), musical phrases, periods, and examples from different time signatures.
Additionally, the created repertoire will consist of pieces from Turkish folk music.
Who is Turgay Gündoğdu?
Turgay Gündoğdu was introduced to music within his family and gained his first instrumental experience within the family as well. Throughout his education, he maintained his connection with baglama and music. In 2008, he was admitted to the Music Teaching Department of Niğde University Faculty of Education. He then transferred horizontally to Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Education Music Teaching Department in 2009 and graduated from this school in 2012. In 2011, he served as a guest artist with his baglama in the Ministry of Culture's Sivas Turkish Folk Music Choir. In 2012, he began his master's degree in the Musicology Department of the Institute of Fine Arts at Dokuz Eylül University, completing his thesis titled “Köçeklik and Köçek Music in Kastamonu in the Context of Gender” and graduated. Between 2014-2016, he worked as a lecturer in the Musicology Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Dokuz Eylül University. Since 2018, Gündoğdu has served as the director of İzmir Music Academy, where he started as a contracted employee in 2014; he has helped over 100 candidates gain admission to music departments. He also serves as the coordinator and instructor for preparation for music departments, baglama, music theory, Turkish folk music knowledge, and repertoire courses within İZMA.

Turgay Gündoğdu at İzmir International Music Village!
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